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Breach of Contract Statute of Limitations Might Drop
Ohio House Bill 251 would shorten the statute of limitations for actions upon a contract, and it recently had a second Hearing in the Senate after passing in the House. […]
Commercial Evictions and Foreclosures Executive Order signed by Governor DeWine
Executive Order signed today by Governor Mike DeWine requests that lenders provide commercial real estate borrowers with an opportunity for forbearance for a term of at least 90 days and […]
As COVID-19 continues to send shockwaves throughout our country, we have had a number of Clients this past week alone ask us essentially the same questions. For the benefit of […]
Sikora Law Victorious Supporting Validity of Real Property Investment
Sikora Law recently obtained a successful trial verdict in favor of a mortgage holder. At trial, we presented expert testimony supporting the validity of the signature at issue compared to […]
Ohio State Bar Association Real Property Section Takes Position on Entity Transfer Reporting & Taxation Bill
Mike Sikora presented to the Ohio State Bar Association Real Property Section Council (that he will chair in two years) on the newly introduced House Bill 449 that would require […]
Pro Football Hall of Fame Village
Sikora Law LLC quarterbacking the real estate legal work for the Pro Football Hall of Fame Village Project—the largest Opportunity Zone development in the State of Ohio. Rick Craven and […]